4B Science HW 2013-14

Science Homework page for Ms. Baran's class


Week of Jan. 6th, 2014:

Explore these sites:

Check out the various links including the digital article and the power point at the following site:  scholastic article about Mummifying Pets.  

*****Mummy Maker - great interactive site that lets you make a mummy.  Along the way you make decisions

about what to remove and what to leave behind, tools to use,....


There are lots of fun sites about mummification and Ancient Egypt.

*******The Unknown Mummy  a really fun adventure.  You explore a tomb, collect artifacts and then try to figure out whose tomb you're in!

Minding your Mummies: The Science of Mummification 

HowStuffWorks "Egyptian Mummification"

Write your name in hieroglyphics

Fun site with lots of information about Egypt

The Book of The Dead and document preservation





Week of October 28th:  We have been exploring food chains this week.  Please take about 10 minutes to check out two videos.  Choose "play video" first, then feel free to quiz yourself, but you DO NOT NEED TO.  There are many other videos that you may explore as time and parents allow, but the two below are the ones I want you to make sure to view.


The first video:  Study Jams:  The Kingdoms of Life describes the 5 kingdoms that scientists use to classify all living organisms.  Some scientists are starting to use 6, but these 5 are the ones that we will be using.


The second video:  Study Jams:  The Food Chain reviews what we explored in class this week.  It has a little different way of visualizing it, but it is the same information.